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Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Expect On My First Visit?

When you arrive to the studio, we have coat hooks and cubbies for your personal belongings (and a changing room, if needed). Your instructor will check you in to your class, ask you to sign a hard copy of the waiver, and run through some studio etiquette. 

Please be sure to give yourself plenty of time.

What Should I Wear To Lyra Class?

The lyras at our studio are taped so you want to protect your skin. We recommend that you dress comfortably in layers but know that long sleeve shirts and athletic pants are perfection.
Please remove all jewelry before class.

What Should I Wear To Pole Class?

To safely use the pole, you need to have skin contact. We recommend that you dress comfortably in layers but know that tank tops and shorts will be necessary in some skills classes.

Please remove all metallic rings and body jewelry before class.

Please refrain from using moisturizer 24 hours before class.

What Should I Wear to Silks or Hammock Classes?

The silks and hammock literally wrap around you. We recommend that you dress comfortably in layers but know that form fitting clothing is encouraged (for example, a tank top and leggings).

Avoid wearing clothes with zippers.
Please remove all jewelry before class.
Please refrain from using moisturizer 24 hours before class.

What Else Do I Need To Bring?

Bring plenty of water to class,
a hair tie or clip, 
and a means of documenting your progress
(your phone, a journal, etc.)

Do I Need Previous Experience?

Each level one class is specifically created for individuals who are new to aerials!

Every. Body. Is. Welcome.

Where Do I Park?

You can park on the street downtown and walk to our building from your chosen location. We are on Superior Street near the old Electric Fetus building; Door 26.


Northern Lights is on the fifth floor of the Wieland Block: elevators and stairs are available from the building lobby.

There is parking available in the Tech Village Parking Ramp.

Ramp Address: 14 E 1st St, Duluth, MN 55802

Please use the skywalk system to access our building from the ramp (walking directions are below).

Studio Policies

For the safety and privacy of all clients at Northern Lights Aerial Studio, please adhere to the following policies:

  • Treat the studio staff, facilities, and other clients with courtesy and respect.

  • Crash mats must be used for aerial practice and instruction.

  • Clients are not allowed to rig equipment or modify rigged equipment without consulting their instructor.

  • Absolutely no photos or videos may be taken of other clients without their consent.

How To Get To The Studio From Tech Village

Once you park in the Tech Village Ramp, take the elevator to Level 1. 

Exit the elevator and follow the hallway to the left; the signs should lead you toward Tech Village.

Go down the first flight of stairs on the right. This should get you to Level 2 of the Tech Village. 

Staying on the second floor, cross the foyer toward the skywalk.

Walk over Superior Street in the safety of the skywalk.

Enter the Weiland Block doors, turn to the left and follow the signs to the elevator.

Take the elevator to the fifth floor.

Exit to the left and enter Suite 509!

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